Thursday, March 29, 2007

Waiting in Kuwait

February 28
(I fogot to show you my pictures of Kuwait.) We made it to Kuwait before the end of February. YEAAAAA!!! Why so happy you may ask? That means I get the whole month of February free of income taxes. A small price to pay for being in such a desolate place away from my loved ones.

This is a picture of our "living" conditions while here. All the women were placed in one tent regardless of the number of females or cots. Yes, they actually ran out of cots which led to a very bad scene for those coming in after us. The model is LT Nicole Stewart, a psychologist from Jacksonville, FL. We became friends while training at Camp Lejeune. And that's me laying on the cot reading a book. I have really enjoyed being able to read more, but I'd give up my books to see one of the boys playing soccer.

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