Saturday, March 31, 2007

Key West or Iraq

March 19
We had an outdoor concert here with a group called Key West who travelled all the way from the states. No, they weren't a local band. They are Jimmy Buffet-wanna-bes. It was something to do so many of us went. We were joking because they sale all sorts of near-beer here. We thought we would pick up a six pack but the only thing we would get out of it is the need to burp and pee. And we wouldn't even wobble while we were peeing!

For those who are unaware, near-beer is like O'douls. NO alcohol. I didn't realize all the different brands available. But these men sure like to drink it - I take that back. The marines and army like to drink it. We navy folk have our pride. It is either the real thing or nothing at all!

Oh, and the concert wasn't half bad. It was just so darn chilly. The band actually sounded like most of the groups they were imitating.

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