Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Iraq At Last

February 28

Well, I am finally here at my final destination. The top picture shows my friend and LA room mate, LT Lora Martin. She is a nurse from Rhode Island and we met at the Los Angeles Trauma Course. Then there is my partner in crime, LT Stuart Hitchcock. He is an OR nurse I work with in Jacksonville, FL who travelled all the way to Iraq with me. He is wonderful at making us all laugh. I am grateful to have been paired up with both individuals.

The plane ride from Kuwait to Iraq went quicker and smoother than I thought it would. I had packed all my warm gear in my seabag forgetting about the possibility of it being chilly on the military plane. Fortunately, we were on a big one in which all the doors shut. Yes, they do have transportation planes in which the rear door only closes a little thus allowing cold air to come in.

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