Saturday, March 31, 2007

Shooting in Iraq

March 11

Sunday we had to go shoot our pistols that we literally were issued as we were getting on the bus to catch our flight. So, although I had shot a 9mm, I had never shot my issued 9mm. Well the powers that be decided it would be a good idea to skip church services and let us go shoot 10 bullets. Yes, ten bullets! We got to the range and were given our bullets to load. Then we sat around for over an hour waiting on the Army to stand guard at the roads. When we eventually got to shoot, you men would have been proud of me. I put six of my ten in a tight circle in the middle! I was shocked.

I also got to watch our marines shoot their M16s. Thank goodness I don't have to carry that with me every where. As it is, this 9mm strapped to me gets in my way. Do you know how hard it is to keep it from falling in the toilet when you gotta go? or pull you pants up afterwards? Many have purchased a shoulder hoster for that very reason. Sooner or later I will have to break down I am sure. Luckily, I don't have to wear this helmet and vest all the time. It weighs over 30 lbs.

Now I am told we might get a second chance to qualify for a ribbon while here. Keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for me.

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