Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Iraq Critters

Recently we had our lecture on all the Iraq "wild life" in the area. This is a picture of a Fattail Scorpion that is highly venomous that some one caught in a sticky trap in their living quarters. Now before everyone freaks out, it was the old living quarters we refer to as swa huts. They are made out of plywood and have many gaps. So far our tin trailers are hole and pest free. Some of my co-workers have also come across cobra snakes but no one stayed around long enough to take a picture. We'll have to work on that.

So I am more aftraid of the critters here than the explosives. Most folks don't want to waste time with a flashlight at night going to the bathroom or shower. But I take mine and constantly sweep my path with it. I haven't come across anything but an ant or two and lets hope I don't.

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