Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

May 13
To all my friends and family who are mothers, Happy Mother's Day!

Here's your cake to celebrate. Don't worry I didn't taste it either.

HM1 Ricks asked all the mothers in our command to come to the hospital Sunday morning for a special message. It was definitely special. HM1 Ricks played his harmonica and sang a song he wrote in celebration of all the moms. Then he played a video he made on the tv. And last but not least he presented us with cards that he and our corpman made and signed with 2 hand made tissue carnations. It was hard not to cry. Thank you HM1 for making our day special so far from our children.

Proud mothers - Chris Haughton, me, and Robyn Cross.

The chow hall had prepared a special dinner in honor of all the mothers. Unfortunately it wasn't publicized very well and we didn't notice it until we were getting dessert. They had set up a hot buffet meal in the conference room with all kinds of wonderful food, cakes, and this heart shaped vegetable platter. They also had sparkling cider again. I was able to talk them into letting me have a bottle to take home (since I didn't get the meal).

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